%%                Portal:  A Great Place For Amiga Users                 %%

              The Portal Information Network's Amiga Zone

         The AFFORDABLE alternative for online Amiga information

The Portal Online System is the home of acclaimed Amiga Zone, a full-
service online SIG (Special Interest Group) for Amiga owners and users.

You can dial into Portal to access the Amiga Zone in various ways: direct
dial to our San Jose, CA area banks of high-speed modems (you pay for the
phone call if it's not local), or though any SprintNet indial anywhere
in the USA, (with a small hourly fee) or via the World-wide Internet
"telnet" program to portal.com (no hourly fee).

Even Delphi and BIX users can Telnet into Portal for a flat $19.95 a month,
with *unlimited* use.

Portal is NOT just another shell account.  Its Online system is fully
menu-driven with on-screen commands and help and you can easily
customize it for your terminal program and screen size.

Some of Portal/Amiga Zone's amazing features include:

  2.5 GIGabytes of Amiga-specific file space - we have so much Amiga
   Stuff online, we've lost count!

  The *entire* Fred Fish collection of freely distributable software,
  online.  ALL 1000 disks!

  Fast, Batch Zmodem file transfer protocol. Download up to 100 files at
   once, of any size, with one command.

  Twenty Amiga vendor areas with participants like AmigaWorld, Elastic
   Reality (ASDG), Soft-Logik, Apex Publishing, and others.

  38 "regular" Amiga libraries with over 10,000 files.  Hot new
   stuff arrives daily.

  No upload/download "ratios" EVER. Download as much as you want, as
   often as you want, and never feel pressued doing it.

  Live, interactive nightly chats with Amiga folks whose names you
   will recognize.  Special conferences.  Random chance prize contests.
   We've given away thousands of bucks worth of Amiga prizes - more
   than any other online service.

  Vast Message bases where you can ask questions about *anything*
   Amiga related and get quick replies from the experts.

  Amiga Internet mailing lists for Imagine, DCTV, LightWave, EGS,
   Picasso, OpalVision & others feed right into the Zone message bases.
   Read months worth of postings.  No need to clutter your mailbox with

  FREE unlimited Internet Email with 5 meg of free storage.

  A FREE UNIX Shell account with another 5 meg of free storage.

  Portal has the Usenet.  Thousands of "newsgroups" in which
   you can read and post articles about virtually any subject you can
   possibly imagine.

  Other Portal SIGs (Special Interest Groups) online for Mac, IBM, Sun,
   UNIX, Science Fiction, Disney, and dozens more. ALL Portal SIGs
   are accessible to ALL Portal customers with NO surcharges ever.
   You never worry "Ooops.. Am I paying for this area?" again!

  The entire UPI/Clarinet/Newsbytes news hierarchy ($4/month extra)
   An entire general interest newspaper and computer news magazine.

  Portal was THE FIRST online service to offer a full package of
   Internet features: IRC, FTP, TELNET, MUDS, LIBS.
   And you get FREE unlimited usage of all of them.

  Our exclusive PortalX by Steve Tibbett, the graphical "front end"
   for Portal which will let you automatically click'n'download your
   waiting email, messages, Usenet groups and binary files!  Reply to mail
   and messages offline using your favorite editor and your replies are
   sent automatically the next time you log into Portal.
   (PortalX requires Workbench 2.04 or higher)

  Portal does NOT stick it to high speed modem users. Whether
   you log in at 1200 or 2400 or 9600 or 14.4K you pay the same low

To join Portal or for more information call:

   1-800-433-6444 (voice) 9a.m.-5p.m. Mon-Fri, Pacific Time
   or 1-408-973-9111.
   1-408-725-0561 (modem 3/12/2400) 24 hours every day
   1-408-725-0560 (modem 96/14400) 24 hours every day

   or enter "C PORTAL" from any Sprintnet dial-in in the USA,
   or telnet to "portal.com" from anywhere.

Call and join today.  Tell the friendly Portal Customer Service
representative, "The Amiga Zone and Amiga Report sent me!"

[Editor's Note:  Be sure to tell them that you are an Amiga user, so
they can notify the AmigaZone sysops to send their Welcome Letter and
other information!]

The Portal Information Network accepts MasterCard, Visa, or you can
pre-pay any amount by personal check or money order.  The Portal Online
System is a trademark of The Portal Information Network.  SLIP, UUCP
and custom domain accounts are also available.

converted with guide2html by Kochtopf